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Russian classics
Andrey Osipovich Sikhra

Andrey Osipovich Sikhra (1773 – 1850)
was born 1773 in Vilno (the modern Vilnius) in the family of a music teacher. In the youth he concerted as harpist, played the six-stringed guitar. Then he was keen on the seven-stringed guitar and devoted to it his whole life. 1801 the musician went to Moscow where he began to make a repertoire for the seven-stringed guitar and to teach his first disciples.

Sikhra, a talented musician, kind and charming man, was soon an idol of many followers and admires.

After the proscription of Napoleon from Russia he went to Petersburg and remains here till the end of his life (died 1850). Here, in Petersburg, he, a ripe musician and pedagogue, creates his school of playing at the seven- stringed guitar. A. Sikhra was not only a talented but also highly-educated musician. He was high valued by M. Glinka, A. Dargomyzhskiy, A.Varlamov, A. Dyubyuk, D. Fild and many other workers of Russian culture.

Mark Danilovich Sokolovsky

Mark Danilovich Sokolovsky (1818 – 1883)
was born on the 25th of April 1818 near Zhitomir in a Polish family. The interest for music was shown by the boy in an early childhood. From the six years he doesn't leave a small guitar with he has found on the garret of their house. But the parents don't encourage his musical lessons. But Mark can't already live without music. Coming with parents to Berdichev he masters without assistance by schools of guitar playing of M. Giuliani, L. Lenyani and K. Merts the performance skill bases, and studies also to play piano, violin and violoncello. On the 26th of May 1841 at the age of 23 years M. Sokolovsky makes his debut in Zhitomir with the concert e-moll of F. Carulli. The young guitarist was hearty welcomed by the audience. Inspired by success, he gives concerts in different tows of Ukraine.


Mikhail Timofeevich Vysotsky

Mikhail Timofeevich Vysotsky (1791 – 1837)
Russian guitarist-virtuoso and guitar composer. He learned the guitar playing by S. N. Aksenov. He was interested for classics, especially for Bach, whose fugues he tried to arrange for the guitar. This affected the serious and noble style of his guitar compositions: most of all phantasies and variations of Russian folk themes (cycles from 4-5 variations with "preludes" and "endings"), there are also arrangements for the guitar of Mozart', Beethoven' and Fild's pieces (the musician knew the last) and others. 83 of them are issued, also his "Practical and theoretical school for the guitar" (1836).


Nikolay Petrovich Makarov

Nikolay Petrovich Makarov (1810 – 1890)
- the famous Russian guitarist-performer. He was born 1810 in Chukhloma of Kostroma region. His childhood he spent in the estates of his father and his aunt M. P. Volkonskaya. He served as an officer in the army. From childhood he played violin. In the age of 28 years he interested for guitar, in the period of study in the military academy in Warsaw he learned to play at the six-stringed ("Spanish") guitar and working daily 10-12 hours, had soon significant success.
     The first concert of Makarov took place in Tula 1841 in the hall of Noble Assembly, where he played the first part of M. Giuliani's third concert. 1852 Makarov goes abroad, where he meets with greatest guitarists of Europe: Tsany di Ferranty, M. Carcassi, N. Kost, I. K. Merts, guitar master I. Shertser


Semyon Aksenov

Semyon Aksenov (1784 or 1790 – 1853)
Russian seven-string guitarist and composer. He was born in Ryazan. He took guitar lessons from SA Sichrow and was considered the best of his disciple, though differed in a number of issues with his teacher. Seven-string guitar instrument considered more melodious and expressive-negative, than the fine (as it believed Sichrow). Wrote fantasies, romances, variations and potpourri on Russian folk songs. That Russian melodies, and not a classic like Sichrow form the basis of his guitar treatments. Introduced the technique of guitar playing so-called "singing style" (legato) and opened the way to play harmonics on all notes.

Vladimir Morkov

Vladimir Morkov (1801 – 1864)
- Russian guitarist. Guitar studied with AO Sichrow, who dedicated his disciple "theoretical and practical school for seven-string guitar".

Vladimir Morkov - the author of "Full school for seven-string guitars, with the application of plays for the newly enhanced-tion of ten guitar c indicating its order" (1862) and a number of compositions and transcriptions for your instrument (including transcriptions of several works by Giuliani and Mertz ). Wrote "Historical Sketch of Russian opera from its beginning to 1862" (St. Petersburg, 1862 [1899]), in which close to valuable, sometimes the only indications there are many obvious mistakes.

Mikhail Stakhovich

Mikhail Stakhovich (1819 – 1858)
- an amateur guitarist, poet, writer, collector of Russian folk songs, the student MT Vysotsky and AO Sichrow. Born in the village pal Eletski county province of Orel Russia. Descended from an ancient noble family, which is mentioned in the genealogical books of Poltava, Chernihiv, Moscow and Orel provinces. Initial inflammation and the formation of tanie received a home under the supervision of a French tutor. In 1841, he graduated from the verbal faculty of Moscow University. As he finished a few years traveling abroad, and on his return to Russia was engaged in literature, music and the study of folklore.


Valerian A. Rusanov

Valerian A. Rusanov (1866 – 1918)
- russian guitarist, composer, teacher and writer on music, musical and public figure. He has made a great contribution to the popularization of the guitar in Russia. According to the versatility of its activities in the field of guitar is a unique phenomenon. Guitarist, educator, composer (wrote about 300 works), historian guitar, editor and publisher of the magazine "Guitarist" (1904-1906), editor of "Music guitarist" 1907-1908, a journalist of the same magazine, and the magazine "Accord" in 1911 and 1913, 1914, head of an guitarists Moscow Society of mandolin and guitar players and guitar organizer of "Mean" in it, conductor of the orchestra of folk instruments of the Moscow society of playing folk music lovers and secular singing, guitarist-singer, public musical activities; either before or after him, not only in Russia, but throughout the history of the guitar world guitar does not know and does not know of such a figure.


Pavel Fedoseevich Beloshein (1799 – 1869)
- Russian guitarist and composer. Apprentice A.O Sichra and M.T. Vysotsky. He has performed in concerts. Transcribed for guitar folk songs and romantic ballads ("How are our gate", "I have sown the quinoa" and others), and excerpts from operas. Author of numerous polonaises, waltzes, quadrilles and other dance pieces. He was known as the author of fine guitars-tion of plays, music magazines were placed in 20-ies of the XIX century. Some of his operatic transcriptions and processing of folk songs come out and separate editions. Published in St. Petersburg, "Journal for the seven-string guitar"

Ivan Liakhov

Ivan Liakhov (1813 – 1877)

- Russian guitarist, composer and teacher. One of the most-daro twisted guitar players of his time and the most dedicated guitar art musicians. During his student days he took lessons on the guitar by MT Vysotsky later in SA Sichrow and music theory - the AI Dubuc. By profession, was a veterinarian, he graduated from the Moscow Medical-Surgical Academy. Until 1872, he served in various departments, after which he retired. Was firm, proud man is always needed. Was known in Moscow as a consummate virtuoso guitarist and composer.

Vasily Lebedev

Vasily Lebedev (1867-1907)
- an outstanding Russian virtuoso guitarist for 6 and 7-string guitars, and teacher. Born in Kanyatovske, Samara province, in 1867. Pupil of the famous Russian guitarist JF Decker-Schenk (1825-1899). Successful concerts in St. Petersburg and other Russian cities. In 1900 he performed with the orchestra of Russian folk instruments Vladimir Andreev - The Great Russian Orchestra - at the Paris World's Fair. Press noted the great success of the artist.


Boris Hlopovsky

Boris Hlopovsky (1938 – 1988)
He was born on April 5, 1938 in Moscow, died in 1988 from heart disease. In 1950. engaged in a seven-string guitar led FG Ignashina, Grushetsky (student MF Ivanov), then at the music school, the teacher in the classroom Grandma E. Grachyova. After serving in the Army in 1960. Boris Hlopovsky entered the College. Gnesinyh in class seven-string guitar (LA Menri), and in 1966 he graduated from the school as a 6-string guitar (teacher AV Kabanikhin - Boris Hlopovsky was one of the first students of this outstanding educator, after opening them in 1961 class, the six-string guitar).


Vasily Yuriev

Vasily Yuriev (1881 – 1962)
- a seven-string guitar singer, music teacher and composer. He has made a great contribution to the literature of the seven-stringed guitar, the author of the original pieces, seven-string guitar transcriptions for Russian, Soviet and foreign classics, arrangements of folk songs, and compiled a number of different guitar collections. He studied with guitarist-educator Alexander Solovyov. Over the years of study met with an extensive concert repertoire seven-string guitars, including "Ekzertsitsii" (concert etudes) Andrew Sichrow, plays ultimate technical difficulties. In 1903 he began an active performing activities. At the same time he taught guitar in society, "Music and singing," worked for some time in the Gypsy Theatre "Romen", and in 1936, at the State Russian Folk Orchestra (1946 - named after N. Osipova). Issued by the school (1939, MF Ivanov, VM St. George) and the tutorial game for the seven-stringed guitar (1957, 1958), which was repeatedly reprinted. Among his pupils A. Shiryalin.

Vasily Yashnev

Vasily Yashnev (1879 – 1962)
- Russian musician, guitarist, teacher, composer, social activist. He was born on December 31, 1879 in St. Petersburg. In his youth, taught himself to play the guitar. In his younger years, has written several songs that are issued in the private press and performed at concerts. Lacking knowledge of music theory sought the advice of Professor N. St. Petersburg Conservatory Sokolov, who, seeing his compositions advised to enroll in the conservatory. In 1913, VI Yashnevo graduated from the St. Petersburg Conservatory in composition. His teachers were N. Rimsky-Korsakov, AK Glazunov, NA Falcons.


Mikhail Ivanov

Mikhail Ivanov (1889 – 1953)
- Russian seven-string guitarist, composer and teacher. He studied at the Moscow Conservatory (piano, theory), guitar lessons borrowed from AP Solovyov and FF Peletsky. As a guitarist concerts in Moscow. Worked kontsertmeyste-General in various ensembles of Russian folk instruments. Author of more than 80 original compositions and transcriptions for guitar, some of which have been published in the journal "The guitar and guitar players" (1922-1925), as well as the "School" and a tutorial game on a seven-stringed guitar. Author of the book "Russian seven-string guitar" (Moscow-Leningrad, Muzgiz, 1948). For several years he worked as an accountant in Balashikha, Moscow region. Mentioned in several foreign music dictionaries and reference books.

Peter Agafoshin

Peter Agafoshin (1874 – 1950)
- a remarkable Russian guitarist, one of the first teachers at the six-string guitar. P.S.Agafoshin was born in the village of Pyrohiv Ryazan province into a peasant family. Passion for the guitar inherited from the father (originally played a seven-string guitar). After moving to Moscow, Peter Agafoshin perfected the game at their own favorite instrument, only occasionally using the advice of teachers, among whom was Valerian Rusanov - the editor of the Moscow magazine "Guitarist", author of the beautiful Russian guitarist-nugget MT Vysotsky.

Alexander Mikhaylovich Ivanov-Kramskoy

Alexander Mikhaylovich Ivanov-Kramskoy (1912 – 1973)
- his name in the Soviet Union was the model of guitar skill, musical taste and fine understanding of russian musical folklore specificity for all guitar amateurs of our, at that time powerful and immense, home land. His name was well-known not only in the Soviet Union, but also abroad. The skill of this famous musician, brilliant virtuoso had a great success by the audience, guitar amateurs.
     Alexander Mikhaylovich led extensive concert activity. His first concert took place 1932, when Ivanov-Kramskoy was still a student of Moscow conservatory. From that time began his performances by radio and on the country concert stages with solo programs, in ensembles. His name could be met on the bills of Obukhova's concerts, the Beethoven and Komitas quartets. During many years the guitarist performed in ensemble with I. S. Kozlovsky. Alexander Mikhaylovich said: "My life is devoted to the six-stringed guitar".
     To Ivanov-Kramskoy belongs the great desert in creation of solo concert repertoire for the guitar. His programs included music from all epochs, from composers of the XVIth century to modern composers. Ivanov-Kramskoy acquainted the audience with many forgotten or little known compositions for guitar, in particular with compositions of russian composers.

Vladimir Sazonov

Vladimir Sazonov (1912 – 1969)
- Russian guitarist and composer. Up to 11 years of commitment to the music is not felt only in 1923 began to play the balalaika, and in 1926 he moved to the mandolin and entered the children's orchestra domrovy. In 1928, while in Moscow, first heard of the game guitarist V. Begunova who skillfully mastered his instrument, and, under the influence of this meeting was enthusiastically engage in a guitar. In 1929 he joined the team of Naples, which was run by virtuoso mandolinist ND Rozov. In this band Sazonov met with notes and began to work diligently to guitar, guitar music being interested in the works of A. Sichrow, M. Vysotsky, A. Solovyov, etc. In 1932, faced with the Gypsy Chorus, directed by soldiers covalent and very interested the use of the guitar as an accompanying instrument choral singing. By this time is his familiarity with II Moskalev - great guitar player, who had a great influence on the further development of his guitar playing.


Sergey Orehov

Sergey Orehov (1935 – 1998)
- outstanding performer in the seven-string guitar (also fluent in six-string guitar, but did not speak publicly). Combined the gift of genius improviser, performer and composer. Has done a lot for creating a Russian national guitar repertoire. Author of numerous treatments for Guitar Russian folk songs and ballads. Born in Moscow in 1935. Took up the guitar quite late - in the early 50's. First independently, and then took private lessons with guitarist Mitrofanovich Vladimir Kuznetsov (1887-1953), who wrote at the time the book "Analysis of failure and the six seven-stringed guitar" (Wiley, 1935), and which I studied very many of Moscow's guitarists. He attended the circle of the guitar enthusiast VM Kowalski.


Peter Isakov

Peter Isakov (1886 – 1958)
- a famous Russian guitar teacher and performer. He was born in the Crimea, in the village of Alsou. After graduating from music school choral department in Sevastopol continued studying music in St. Petersburg, where he moved in 1910.In 1895, Isakov began to study the game on a seven-string guitar school Sichrow, carrots, etc., for 2 years lost all her books, and gave the first solo concert, and then moved on to a six-string guitar-ing ...

In 1913 he was invited to the Winter Palace - learn to play the guitar children of Emperor Nicholas II. Often played at charity concerts. After the revolution, he lived in a small room he inherited from his apartment, which became communal. In this case continued to engage in performing and teaching.

Lev Andronov

Lev Andronov (1926? - 1980)
- talented Russian player. Born in 1926 in Leningrad. At the age of ten years began learning to play the guitar at the Leningrad Palace of Pioneers in the class broadly educated musician and an outstanding teacher guitarist VI Yashnevo. Andronov later studied with the famous Soviet guitarist PI Isakov. Many years later (in 1977), when he was the established artist, Andronov completes (in absentia) his musical studies at the Leningrad Conservatory (class of Professor AB Shalova). The regular concert activity, Andronov began in 1948. Artist gives solo concerts, and participates in the performance of instrumental chamber ensembles, accompanies the singers. Soloist Lenkontserta Andronov speaking on radio and television, and touring the country. In 1973 he took part in the Festival of Chamber Music in Minsk.


Nicephor Slepuhov

Nicephor Slepuhov (1867 – 1928)
- Russian musician, a guitarist. Lost his father early in the age of 9, was identified by his mother in Voronezh monastery, where he worked on the candle factory, and having a good voice, sang in the church choir. Regent monastery, pay attention to good vocal and outstanding musical ability boy gave him to learn to play the violin. He studied Slepuhov is likely to open a pianist MK Hamburg in 1879, the new Voronezh music classes. Game taught him Lev Malkin, who graduated from the Moscow Conservatory. Soon the student has reached such a high level of performance that the teacher himself took him to Moscow, where the young man in 1890 he entered the Conservatory as a violin.


Vasily Sarenko

Vasily Sarenko (1814 – 1881)
- Russian singer on seven-string guitar and composer. He studied at the medical faculty at Moscow University (graduated in 1833), a few years after graduation, he defended his doctoral dissertation and received his medical degree, served as a military physician. A lot of personal time devoted to the guitar. It is considered the last representative of guitar school Andrei Osipovich Sichrow. Published 14 original pieces for guitar and several transcriptions.


Evgeny Larichev

Evgeny Larichev (born 1934)
- Russian singer, guitarist, composer and teacher. He graduated from the Music College of the Moscow Conservatory. PI Tchaikovsky on guitar AM Ivanov-Kramskoy. Since 1959 - soloist Mosconcert. He has performed on tours in many cities of Russia and the former Soviet Union. Author of "the Tutorial game on six-string guitar," original compositions, transcriptions and treatments, compiled many collections for the guitar."Melodia" were released records with records of E. Laricheva game.

Anatoly Shiryalin

Anatoly Shiryalin (1938 – 2011)
Russian guitarist-singer, composer, educator, philosopher, writer and artist, author of original pieces and arrangements for the seven-string guitar. Apprentice VM St. George. Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation (1997), a member of the Writers' Union of Russia.
Author of books: "School for the seven-stringed guitar", "Poem of the guitar", "Saga of a great guitar player."

Alexander Frautschi

Alexander Frautschi (1954-2008)
- one of the best Russian classical guitarists, singers and teachers. He was born on January 4, 1954 in Rostov, Yaroslavl region. The first steps in music started making under the guidance of his father - Camill Arturovich Frautschi - renowned violinist and teacher. Playing the guitar began at the age of 11, before 3 years of practicing the violin. Before entering the music school he took private lessons from NA Ivanova-Kramskaja and AM Ivanov-Kramskoy.


Yuri Vorontsov

Yuri Vorontsov (1914 - 2002)
- Voronezh guitarist, composer, musicologist and educator. Honored Worker of Culture of the RSFSR (1976). Member of the Union of Composers of the USSR (1962), an honorary member of the Composers' Union of Russia (2000). He was born and lived in Voronezh. He graduated from the Physics and Mathematics of the Voronezh State University. On guitar studied with PS Agafoshina and LV Devyatova. In 1939 I became a student of the All-Union review competition of folk music. During the war he participated in frontline concert brigades. After the war, he taught at the Voronezh of musical school: led guitar classes, ear training, harmony, folk art. He graduated from the Institute of the Composition Department. Gnesinyh.

Alexander Soloviev

Alexander Soloviev (1856 – 1911)
- Russian singer on seven-string guitar, a guitar teacher. Learned to play the guitar by yourself, nevertheless made a significant contribution to the Russian vocational school.

The author received wide popularity Schools for seven-string guitar (1896). For its time school Solovyov was a valuable educational tool and as a useful tutorial. Was reprinted in the years 1925-28. "School-to seven-string guitar tutorial for musical notation":


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