Russian classics |
Lev Andronov (1926 – 1980) |
Lev Andronov - a talented Russian player. Born in 1926 in Leningrad. At the age of ten years began learning to play the guitar at the Leningrad Palace of Pioneers in the class broadly educated musician and an outstanding teacher guitarist VI Yashnevo. Andronov later studied with the famous Soviet guitarist PI Isakov. Many years later (in 1977), when he was the established artist, Andronov completes (in absentia) his musical studies at the Leningrad Conservatory (class of Professor AB Shalova). The regular concert activity, Andronov began in 1948. Artist gives solo concerts, and participates in the performance of instrumental chamber ensembles, accompanies the singers. Soloist Lenkontserta Andronov speaking on radio and television, and touring the country. In 1973 he took part in the Festival of Chamber Music in Minsk.
Lev Andronov - winner of international and national competitions guitarists. Since 1972, becoming a member of the jury of the All-Russia competition of folk and plucked intrumentah. Repertoire Andronov was extensive: works of Western European classics (original and transcriptions for guitar), plays guitar for Russian and Soviet composers, ensembles featuring guitar concertos for guitar and orchestra (among them the first time recorded on the plate Andronov Concert Boris Asafiev). Andronov game featured a strong full tone, bright and steady pulse in the virtuoso passages, fluency sophisticated ornamental rhythm (typical Spanish folk and professional music), the nobility of tone.
I. Raiskin (from his review of the gramophone record with a record of L. Andronov)