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Vladimir Sazonov (1912 – 1969)
Vladimir Sazonov

Vladimir Sazonov (July 9 [June 27 st. Style], 1912, St. Petersburg - April 30, 1969, Moscow) - Russian guitarist and composer. Up to 11 years of commitment to the music is not felt only in 1923 began to play the balalaika, and in 1926 he moved to the mandolin and entered the children's orchestra domrovy. In 1928, while in Moscow, first heard of the game guitarist V. Begunova who skillfully mastered his instrument, and, under the influence of this meeting was enthusiastically engage in a guitar. In 1929 he joined the team of Naples, which was run by virtuoso mandolinist ND Rozov. In this band Sazonov met with notes and began to work diligently to guitar, guitar music being interested in the works of A. Sichrow, M. Vysotsky, A. Solovyov, etc. In 1932, faced with the Gypsy Chorus, directed by soldiers covalent and very interested the use of the guitar as an accompanying instrument choral singing. By this time is his familiarity with II Moskalev - great guitar player, who had a great influence on the further development of his guitar playing. In 1933, the Sazonov entered the choir under the direction of Roma, ND Dulkevicha, which proved to be a remarkable accompanist. In 1935, after the death of Dulkevicha Sazonov entered the Leningrad gypsy ensemble under the direction of EE Shishkin, wife of the famous at the time horevoda (choir director) - Alexei Shishkin - guitarist and composer. With this ensemble Sazonov and a half years has undertaken a number of tours to the Soviet Union, later as head - replacing dead EE Shishkin. During his time with Roma choirs Vladimir Sazonov has extensive experience accompanying guitar and knowledge of a large number of vocal repertoire. In 1937 he was priglacila as an accompanist pop singer VM Orlov with the condition that in addition to the accompaniment he could play a guitar solo. Sazonov gave soglacie, inviting, in turn, the second guitarist KV Dubov, with whom he worked for a year, accompanying the singer and at the same time acting duet game. That helped him recover "abandoned" repertoire and again take with even greater zeal for music, self-study theory and harmony of music, translating all the musical examples on guitar, seeking a resolution of difficult issues to competent guitarists. All this helped to further arrangements for treatments and pieces for guitar. By this time, his performances and record with well-known vocalists, TS Tsereteli, Vadim Kozin, Makarova Shevchenko, Lyalya Black (hop).

In 1939, the All-Union tour and concert union of (VGKO) organizes a large ensemble of Gypsy sands and Dance, where, and invite Vladimir Sazonov as an accompanist. In this role, especially Sazonov had to pay attention to fidelity to the score, as it had the responsibility to learn from guitarists all the music program of the ensemble. In late 1940, Sazonov left work in the ensemble and switched on tours around the cities of the Soviet Union with the singer and guitarist V. Orlova MK KRUCHININ. It was not until the beginning of World War II, which Sazonov was called as a soldier. Throughout the war, V.Sazonov as a professional guitar playing and not only after his discharge in January 1946, again took up his original profession as a singer-guitarist VGKO. In 1953, he joined guitarist accompanist at the State Academic Maly Theatre, where he worked until his death. Work at the Maly Theater V. Sazonov allowed to talk with the artists, has expanded its horizons and significantly increased the level of culture.

Tours of the cities of the Soviet Union and abroad have made it a very popular name in an artistic environment. He has spoken with artists Vl. Trochu-tion, Boris Pokrovsky, B. Don, People's Artist of the USSR VN Levko, Honored Artist of the RSFSR Kareva etc. Very much and often recorded in movies such as "Night Patrol", "The purpose of his life" , "Girl with no address" , "Volunteers", "Princess Mary", "They were the first" , "Anna on the Neck" , "Barbarians", "Vassa Zheleznova", "Ekaterina Voronina" , "It should not be forgotten", "The House I Live In" ,"Good luck", "Bride".

"Tune" released two records with his zapicyu Russian guitar music. Sazonov lot of typing. His first collection of pieces for the guitar came out in 1949 (later published annually). Beginning in 1932 went on a format convenient collections "Repertoire for Guitar" (published 8 collections) for the amateur. Since about 1962, came out of his albums titled "First Steps guitarist" by the publishing house "Soviet composer." Altogether 22 rooms on two issues a year (the latter with his participation - in 1969). But his main works should be considered "school self-help books" for a seven-stringed guitar, which he produced every year since 1953, each time revising and recasting them. The publishing house "Soviet Composer" and published by "Music" came a lot of collections with Sazonov with a diverse repertoire. Among them is the collection of old songs, painted for the seven-string guitar-tion, as well as a large number of variations on the themes of Russian folk songs - "Do not scold me, dear", "Blizzard", "All-I drove the universe", "meadow Utushka", "Fine ash" and others, as well as a number of original works for guitar. In his compositions, Sazonov continued glorious tradition of guitar MT Vycotskogo and AO Sichrow. He owns many pieces of small forms such as waltzes, etudes, preludes, etc. VS Sazonov has made several radio with meaningful conversations on the history of the guitar, accompanied by the guitar playing. On the radio, he took part in the hour and a half the main production of "The Wizard Mikhail Vysotsky", accompanying her guitar playing.

While working at the Maly Theater Sazonov for two years unseparated from work went to the Institute. Gnecinyh for conducting and composition faculty. Then he took lessons in music theory and harmony with composer NS Rechmensky, enjoyed consultations with composer Budashkina.

Played VS Sazonov on large-plus-string guitars of the Viennese masters Scherzer, and then - Bitner. The strings are made of metal, because musician believed that they sound brighter and louder, and therefore indispensable for the concert stage. The use of additional strings considered justified and enjoyed them very gently, muting their time, but their use allowed him to take such chords that take a seven-string guitar was impossible.

Vladimir S. Sazonov The game was extremely musical, very technical and had the remarkable beautiful tone. The game Sazonov feel more extraordinary musician. That's a musician, not just a guitarist. His accompaniment hit an abundance of sounds and passages, very beautiful, coming as it were accompanied by the background vocals, which could compete with even the best pianists.

Vladimir S. Sazonov, died April 30, 1969. Kalitnikovskaya buried in the cemetery in Moscow. On the grave of a monument to the bas-relief of a musician and guitar, on which the strings were cut off. About Sazonov in the newspaper "Soviet Russia" from 17.01.1964, published an article L. Anisimova called "silent ringing guitars".

By: A. Larin "Biography guitarist Vladimir S. Sazonov"


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