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Igor Varfolomeev's site about lute and guitar music
Works for lute
The library contains folders of various formats and contents. The files are located in the mail.ru cloud. A total of 87955 files.

Folders Content Description
(ft3+midi, pdf)
View The section includes pieces for lute in ft3 format of the FRONIMO program with file versions in both pdf and midi. This allows you to view and listen to them without installing the program. In FRONIMO, tabs are displayed in French by default, but it's easy to switch to any other. Advice! When you first start the program, switch the view to the page mode Options - Page Editing Mode. Demo version limitation: disabled file saving. Source: gerbode.net
(ft3+midi, pdf)
View The same as in the previous folder, but only here are collected duets and ensembles of lute music. Source: gerbode.net
(pdf, tif, jpg, png)
Arciv I

Arciv II
A manuscript or handwrit is a recording of information that has been manually created by someone or some people, such as a hand-written letter, as opposed to being printed or reproduced some other way. The word manuscript is derived from the Latin manu scriptum, literally "written by hand". Simply put, scans of ancient manuscripts are collected here.
View Collection of lute books in pdf format.
View Submitted by users.

A collection of scanned copies of ever published sheet music for classical guitar. The archive contains 6 files with about 11,000 pages. The files contain a hierarchy of bookmarks by authors and works. Located in the mail.ru cloud.

Works for Classical Guitar
Folders Content Description
Classical Guitar 18th century.pdf View Works of guitar composers and performers of the 18th century. One multi-page file with bookmarks. 1792 pages.
Classical Guitar 19th century.pdf View Works of guitar composers and performers of the 19th century. One multi-page file with bookmarks. 2756 pages.
Classical Guitar 20th century.pdf View Works of guitar composers and performers of the XX century. One multi-page file with bookmarks. 2884 pages.
Transcryptions for Classical guitar.pdf View Arrangements for classical guitar of various works and authors. One multi-page file with bookmarks. 1668 pages.
Lute and Baroque Guitar for Classical guitar.pdf View Works for lute and baroque guitar arranged for classical guitar. One multi-page file with bookmarks. 1027 pages.
Flamenco guitar.pdf View Works of flameno guitarists. One multi-page file with bookmarks. 821 pages.