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Russian classics
Alexander Frautschi (1954 – 2008)
Alexander Frautschi

Alexander Frautschi (1954-2008) - one of the best Russian classical guitarists, singers and teachers. He was born on January 4, 1954 in Rostov, Yaroslavl region. The first steps in music started making under the guidance of his father - Camill Arturovich Frautschi - renowned violinist and teacher. Playing the guitar began at the age of 11, before 3 years of practicing the violin. Before entering the music school he took private lessons from NA Ivanova-Kramskaja and AM Ivanov-Kramskoy. In 1969, he entered the Central Music School of the Conservatory. PI Tchaikovsky in Moscow, where he studied with half AM and N. Ivanov-Kramskoy, and after his death in 1973, AM Ivanov-Kramskoy continued and ended up teaching in the classroom, NA Ivanova-Kramskoy (1973). Then he continued his Alexander Frautschieducation at the Ural Conservatory. Stamp Mussorgsky in Sverdlovsk in the first year in AV Mineeva, and after his death - his pupil VM Derun, under whose guidance and finished Conservatory (1979). In 1979 he won the 2nd prize (1st not awarded) at the II All-Russian competition of folk music in Leningrad, and in 1986 - the first prize at the International Guitar Competition in Havana (Cuba), which was also awarded the Audience Award , awards for the best music of Cuban composer Leo Brouwer and award "Radio France". He has performed solo recitals and conducted master classes in the USA, UK, Germany, France, Belgium, Austria, Holland, Italy, Switzerland, Yugoslavia, Poland, Cyprus, Israel, Cuba, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Turkey and Greece. Alexander Frautschi has often been invited as a jury member at international competitions guitarists. Record came out to "Melodia" (1982), as well as CD-ROM (1994) with works by Nikita Koshkin and the album "The Forgotten Masterpieces" (1997). In 1996, the French publishing house "Lemoine" published the book "Guitar Method A.Frauchi."

Honored Artist of Russia, a music teacher, professor (since 1998) of the Russian Academy of Music (formerly the Musical Pedagogical Institute. Gnesinyh) in Moscow, which began work in 1980. Trained more than 20 winners of international competitions. Over the years, he taught Vadim Kuznetsov, Alexander Chekhov, Nikita Koshkin, Alexander Reyngach, Eugene Finkelstein, Vadim Chebanov Anastasia Bardin and many others.

Alexander Frautschi suddenly died June 2, 2008.


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