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Russian classics
Peter Agafoshin (1874 – 1950)
Peter Agafoshin

Peter Agafoshin (1874-1950), a remarkable Russian guitarist, one of the first teachers at the six-string guitar. P.S.Agafoshin was born in the village of Pyrohiv Ryazan province into a peasant family. Passion for the guitar inherited from the father (originally played a seven-string guitar). After moving to Moscow, Peter Agafoshin perfected the game at their own favorite instrument, only occasionally using the advice of teachers, among whom was Valerian Rusanov - the editor of the Moscow magazine "Guitarist", author of the beautiful Russian guitarist-nugget MT Vysotsky. Significant role in the artistic development Agafoshin played his friendship with artists VI Surikov, and DE Martin, guitar aficionados. He participated as a performer in many concerts. Accompanied outstanding singers F. Chaliapin, D. Smirnov, T. Ruffo. In recognition of the performing arts Agafoshin was invited to participate in Massenet's opera "Don Quixote" at the Bolshoi Theatre in 1916, where he accompanied the FI Chaliapin.

The meeting in 1926 with Segovia elated Agafoshin. He never missed a concert of Spanish artist, who personally met him. "After the departure of Segovia - wrote Agafoshin - I immediately rearranged, made the necessary adjustments to its setting in the tricks of the game. For his next visit in the spring of 1927 my condition was more balanced, because by that time I was already something of himself mastered. So my further observations on his game was much more productive, I was able to focus on their individual moments and details of its implementation, especially those pieces that were in the process of my study. "

Year of intensive training brought tangible results. In 1927 he again played Agafoshin Segovia. This happened in the artist Pyotr Konchalovsky. Looking back on this meeting, Konchalovsky wrote that Segovia Agafoshin called "the best guitarist of Moscow".

PS Agafoshin more than 40 years as an artist in the State Orchestra of the Maly Theater. In the years 1930-1950 led guitar course at the Music School. October Revolution and the Moscow Conservatory. Many well-known Soviet guitarists were his disciples (A. Ivanov-Kramskoj, E. Rusanov, I. Kuznetsov, Makeev, Y. Mikheyev, A. Kabanikhin, A. Lobikov and others).

S. Agafoshin authored a book "New of the guitar", published in 1928, written under the fresh impression of communicating with the art of the outstanding A. Segovia, and the famous "School for the six-string guitar," which is based seminars A. Segovia.


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