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Classics of guitar
Luigi Rinaldo Legnani (1790 - 1877)

Outstanding guitarist. Born in Italy, Ferrari November 7, 1790 On the instrument, he worked wonders and delights the audience, was a great artist. Conveyed their feelings through the guitar in close contact with the listener. As a composer he has immortalized the name of opus 20 of 36 Capriccio, sketches. Some researchers have sinned against the truth in matters relating to this remarkable man in the world of guitar.

At the age of eight he and his parents moved to Ravenna, where after a while begins to study music. He studied several musical instruments, but was a favorite guitar, which he always paid more attention. In Ravenna, he lived up to 38 years. This is evidenced by a single document at the time that we provide, "The government of the bishop. On behalf of His Holiness Pope Pius VIII. Cardinal - regattas province of Ravenna. Leaving the city, where he lived for 30 years, Senor Luis Legnani, a native of Ferrari, moving to Geneva, is in possession of a passport issued by us with our signature and seal. We ask that all the civil and military authorities in the places where it will pass, not only to take into account this data sheet, but also to provide the necessary assistance to the bearer and funds, for which we are grateful. Issued in Ravenna, October 30, 1829 Cardinal Legate Mackey. " The document concludes with these external trappings, "Age 38 years old, of medium height, brown hair, forehead, medium, dark eyebrows, nose, correct form, the mean mouth ... Occupation: teacher guitar and singing. Last place of residence - Ravenna".

He traveled several times to Europe, but most of the concerts began performing in 1829, he has given concerts in Turin and Genoa, with the violinist Paganini / Fetio /. At age 50 he stands in Spain is always with the same success. The Madrid "Musical Iberia" in number 22 for May 29, 1842 in the chronicle of concerts writes: "Barcelona. May 23, 1842 The day before yesterday evening at the "Teatro prinsipal", which was first staged opera Sorsa, Senor Luis Legnani, the famous Italian guitarist, played a solo imagination and brilliant variations with orchestra accompaniment. Both works of his own. This teacher has a brilliant technique, integral and even tone or sound on your instrument and a great sense of cantabile. Señor Legnani many applauded, but especially to our attention, "Adagio", filled with great tenderness and flavor and a melody in the form of Rossinevskogo crescendo where the voice stands out, very difficult and very complex accompaniment. This teacher uses a guitar with two extra bass strings neck out for the first performance of the play, and with three extra strings for the second. According to our observations, it uses the bass strings in some cases, to specific points of harmony. This artist is interesting when playing with your own music, with compositions for guitar and orchestra. From the works of his famous opus 250 Ricciardi publication entitled "Guidelines for exploring and mastering music and playing the guitar, the most clear and concise." The treatise includes 37 pages and 16 lessons or music ear training and practice tool. But it is not of particular interest. A separate notebook - Manual application it includes a "6 kaprichchetti" simple and elegant form, with useful and varied structure, written in major keys E - A - D - G - F - before, without much difficulty, but with good taste. It is significant that opus 20 "36 Capriccio", which are considered as sketches. In these sketches by going against the routine, to which we are accustomed to in the writings of a few frames and formulaic. Legnani gives us examples of them in all, with the exception of major colors in G flat to flat, C-sharp minor, and in tones pre-sharp, D-sharp, A-sharp, A-flat. These studies which were first used, it is very useful. The author describes the tone in their equivalence, that is, if he gives the example in G-flat major, it means that he is already in F-sharp major and so on for all of the above colors. Harmonic form he is in many phases, although not everyone likes it certainly is useful. Fine can be called a number number 1 - 16 - 18 - 26 - 27, etc., which have a preference based on their own temperament. Thus, Opus 20, deserves all the attention.

We also recall the following concertos: "Fantasy" opus 19, is extremely difficult, "Earthquake Variations", opus 1, "A brilliant medley" Opus 31, "Big Capriccio" opus 34.

This is the Legnani - composer. As teachers, we do not know him, and as for virtuosity, which is so admired in Vienna, Paris, Berlin, and in many places, we subscribe to the views of well-known authors. He was an honorary member of the Philharmonic Society of Florence, Rome, Verona, Ferrara and Munich.

Finally, we recall a single case, which happened to him in Paris, when it was announced that his concerts. Coming out of the crew, he lost his balance and fell so badly that injured his hand and could not play. On this accident immediately recognized colleague F. Sor. He immediately came to the rescue with Legnani and Aguado replaced him at concerts, all the proceeds from which went to the aid of the victim. Legnani was very grateful to the Spaniards who came to the rescue.

Outstanding guitarist some authors also a singer, the other a teacher of singing. Recall that he was also famous as a luthier. His guitars are kept in museums and major private collections. Mentioned in important works on Organography. He died at the ripe old age of 86 in Ravenna, August 6, 1877


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