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Classical guitar page
Russian guitarists
Eugene Finkelstein (b. 1972)
Eugene Finkelstein

Eugene Finkelstein - Russian guitarist. Born in Moscow in 1972. At age 11, began studying classical guitar at the AK Frautschi. In 1991 he graduated from the Moscow Music School. October Revolution, where he studied with composer and guitarist Nikita Koshkin. In 1996, Eugene Finkelstein graduated from the Russian Acad-demiyu of Music in the class of Professor Alexander Frautschi. From March 1996 to August 1997 he studied with Eugene Camille Arturovich Frautschi. Graduate studies in AK Frautschi.

1995 - Winner of the III International Competition "Guitar
Russia "(Voronezh)
1995 - Winner of the I Moscow International Competition
classical Guitar
1996 - Winner of the IV International Competition "Spring Guitar"

At the moment, Eugene Finkelstein gives concerts in Russia, the former Soviet Union, Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic, the UK and other European countries, participates in festivals of classical guitar. Eugene Finkelstein, 21.11.2004

E. Finkelstein is also involved in teaching. Since 1994, he has taught classical guitar at the State Academy. Maimonides in Moscow. In 2000 he was promoted to associate professor. Many students Eugene Finkelstein became laureates of international competitions of classical guitar.

In 2002, the German music publisher "Acoustic Music" released a CD Eugene Finkelstein's "The Fall of the birds. Russian guitar music", which includes the works of N. Koshkin, S. Rudnev and G. Belyaev. The album received many enthusiastic press reviews.

"Eugene Finkelstein - a man possessed. This is an artist, heart and soul dedicated music and guitar captures the hearts of his listeners. Already at 22, he was entrusted to lead guitar class at the Academy in Moscow. Execution E. Finkelstein distinguishes brilliant virtuosity, combined with amazing musical expression. on the disc, "The Fall of Birds" presented plays by contemporary Russian composer-guitarist, well knowing and using the possibilities of his instrument. Imaginative, exciting work by Nikita Koshkin "The Fall of Birds" will be for many listeners a real discovery - also for those who do not usually take the music written in modern language.

Finkelstein congenial interpretation is based on the long-standing friendship with the artist each of the composers. With all of the technically complex elements Finkelstein copes masterfully. We hear a lot about this artist"

Acoustic Music
Katalog 2003.


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in Russia

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