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Classics of guitar
Marcus Aurelius de Ferranti Zani (1802-1878)

Marcus Aurelius de Ferranti Zani. Concert singer-guitarist and composer. Born in Bologna, July 6, 1802. He is from a family by the name of the inhabitants of Venice Zani. He studied at the Lykke where brilliantly demonstrated an innate talent. Very little, he spoke several languages ??and was a poet-prodigy. He got on one of the concerts of Paganini, and since then awoke in him a passion for music: the concert was a revelation to him. He began taking violin lessons at the Dzherli son, who was engaged in two years, made rapid and significant advances. Even at sixteen had promised to be a great violinist, but how much were all surprised when he suddenly left the violin in order to take up the guitar, which he quickly showed his talent and possession of an instrument, participating in concerts in major cities of Central Europe, where he was considered a great performer.

In the 18-year old artist moved to Paris, where some of the reforms has been hotly debated in the guitar. Ferranti immediately brought before the public in 1820, which gave him the opportunity to take part in the discussion and express their ideas and concepts. In late 1820 he moved to St. Petersburg. Its rich culture was impressed by Senator Myateva, who instructed him to draw up and put in order the valuable library and later asked him to be her guardian. This new life has given him the opportunity to explore his instrument and think about innovation. In addition, to his delight, he translated and passed on to the poems in Italian twelve exquisite reflection M. de Lamartine. It has been four years calm, rich in art. In 1824, Zani de Ferranti leaves from the capital of the kings and lives in Hamburg, the day after the arrival of appearing before the public. These concerts gave him the appreciation of the public and a lot of money. From 1825 to 1827, the years he has given concerts in the cities of Brussels, Paris, London, and other smaller cities, always in circles outlining their ideas guitar lovers in connection with the tool, finding again and again in literature, music and food for the soul in contrast to the rest, surround it in Russia.

In late 1827, he decides to settle in Antwerp, where he was the second time coming to guitar lessons and Italian language, which did not give him a large income. Without falling into despair, he continued performance of songs with a guitar, he did with great pleasure. For many years he continued this work, and in 1832 decided to give two concerts in Brussels to show off your big and very rich experience. Over the years, the quality of a concert performer improved, expanded capabilities, and he develops and improves various aspects of solo performance, applauded him several trips to Holland, England, France, where his reputation was enhanced. They called him the best guitarist of his time, which is a lot, if you think about the great guitarists such as Giuliani, Regondi, Sor, Carcassi, Carulli, Aguado and others - his contemporaries (this period, we have every reason to be called the second golden age of guitar because the first one made a lot of gold vihuelists so glorified Spain, guitar and music in the XIV and XV centuries).

Zani Ferranti published 15 works: fantasy, different melodies, opera, etc. He makes a third trip to the Netherlands with a very successful concerts, then went to North America with the famous violinist Ernesto Camilo Seaver.

On his return to Europe, in Brussels in 1846 he was appointed professor of Italian Royal Conservatory of Music in Brussels, and in 1855 he returned to Italy.

As a poet and writer produced an inspired poetic essay: "The death of the famous Maria Malibran de Beriot", Brussels, 1836, 1 sheet octavo. Produced a large number of poems for publication.

He died in Pisa November 28, 1878.


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