Classics of guitar |
Codina Jose Brock (1805-1882) |
Codina Jose Brock. Spanish guitarist and composer, was born in Reus, Province Tarregona September 21, 1805. Since childhood, showed a pronounced taste for music, so his father gave him to study with Maestro ear training local chapel and sing in the same parish during religious ceremonies. Since childhood, he began to prefer the guitar. In the early years he played it by intuition, later, having mastered ear training, he was seriously engaged by the "School Games" Aguado.
Although Brock was self-taught in his youth, he took a few lessons from the very Dionisio Aguado, who opened new horizons and he completed his formation as an artist. Sought performed the most difficult works of Sora, the music of which he worshiped. Along with excellent technique he had exquisite taste. In the season of 1840 and 1841 in Barcelona its execution are perfectly clear, varied and beautiful shades of color and tenderness in difficult places. In the early teenage years engaged in teaching guitar in his hometown, in 1833 he joined the army, where he remained until 1840. The troops of the liberals, the ideals which he strongly supported, he fought during the entire seven years of the company, at the end of which was shot in the leg. After that, he settles in Barcelona and became a lecturer in guitar. In their first concert together with the works of Sora he introduced the audience with a very important sketches of the "School Games" Aguado.
According to the audience of the time, he executed them perfectly. Most attracted the attention of his style of play of his right hand, which he easily overcame the most difficult passages with arpeggios. From 1854 to 1856 he was re-recorded for the service, was demobilized with the rank of captain and the second time was finally settles in Barcelona. He left us a considerable amount of works (fantasy, waltz, andante, etc.), full of inspiration and delicate in texture. Despite the considerable musical evolution, some of them remain relevant. The result of his academic work, he gave a lot of energy - a large number of students. This Kristanna Palmer, a first-class performer; Domingo Bona, who continued teaching career teachers and Miguel Mas Bargalb. Became famous as his disciple José Ferrer-i-Esteve, who dedicated teacher "Memories of Montgrí" with the following words: "I have the honor to dedicate to you Montgrí, Barcelona, ??30 November 1873, Teacher, in turn, dedicated his "Friendship", a fantasy with the introduction of the theme and variation 3. That Bargalo friends with Julián Arcas, evidenced by the fact that he devoted Arcas Symphony "My second period." His last years of the famous Catalan maestro was doubly bitter because he could not play guitar; (!) due to stroke over ten years, until his last hour he was paralyzed Bargalo died in Barcelona in February 1882 (Notes F.Pedrelya dictionary and Barcelona, ??1929).