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Igor Varfolomeev's site about lute and guitar music
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Classics of guitar
Emilio Pujol Vilarruby (1886-1980)
Emilio Pujol Vilarruby
     Born on the 7th of April 1886 near spanish town Lerida in a small village named Granadella, Emilio Pujol Vilarruby, one of the best learners of the well-known guitarist Francisco Tarrega, is considered as an outstanding representative of the guitar school in the 20th century. Estimating his solo concerts in Spain and abroad, musical critics of twentieths put Pujol in one row with M. Lyobet and A. Segovia.
     Pujol began his music lessons from solfeggio studying at the age of 5 years; his teacher was leader of the village orchestra. This lessons didn't go in vain, because afterwards he was a student of municipal music school in Barcelona. 1897 be began to learn playing the bandurria and was one of the students selected as musicians honoured to play in famous musical groups - Catalonian Bandurria and guitar orchestra "Estudiantina Universitaria" at the Paris exhibition 1900. In 1901 young fifteen years old Pujol began to learn by Francisco Tarrega (1852-1909) in conservatory of Barcelona. Pujol's study continued to 1907, serious illness of Tarrega disturbed the further lessons. Tarrega died on the 15th of December 1909, when Emilio Pujol was in Madrid, where he studied in the King Conservatory theory and composition by Agustino Campro (Learner of Dionysio Aguado). From 1912 to 1929 Pujol gave concerts in West-Europe. During 1914-1918 because of the First World War he was in Catalonia. At the begin of 1918 he made his first tour through South America, started in Buenos-Aires.
     From 1935 to 1940 Pujol continued to give concerto and lectures, also he continued his researches in Spain, London and Paris. 1941 he returns to Spain and lives there till 1946, preparing issue of compositions for Narvaes vihuela, third issue in "Monumentos de la Musica Espanola", published by Instituto Espanol de Musicologia. Then came Mudarra (1949) and Valderrabano (1963) issue. Till the end of his life Pujol worked at the largest of music books for vihuela, - Orphenica Lyra of Migele Fuenliana (the issue of 1554 is kept). He considered this book as summit of vihuela school and estimated Fuenliana as final representative of short history of this instrumental period in spanish music.
     1946, Pujol opens the guitar class in Lissabon Music Conservatory, lessons continued here till 1969, it's possible, that it is the first time of guitar including into the course of academian institution. From summer 1965 Pujol organizes his international course of guitar, lute and vihuela in Lerida (Spanish).
     Barcelona was the last shelter of this famous guitarist, pedagogue and historian. He died on the 15th of November 1980.


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