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Russian 7-stringed guitar
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Perhaps the most mysterious of its history tool. A lot of controversy, but no one really can not explain it two centuries.Who was the founder of this tool?, The origins of? etc. Obviously only one thing: its unprecedented popularity in our country ( in the past), but like many other "Russian heritage" unfortunately, forgotten, and more and more leaves in summer. And there are reasons.
We hope that this page will help revive this wonderful tool.
You will learn a comprehensive historical information about this tool, you will find tutorials, schools and benefits for both beginners and experienced guitarists. Well, of course, has a large number of notes.

   Most burning question - "Who invented the Russian seven-string guitar?" The answer is found not in the present, and historical references. Referring to the book of 1961., When seven-string guitar was at the peak of popularity.
Next, a fragment of the book "Guitar in Russia" B. Wolman
Quart guitar work A.Shtaufera Tertz guitar work V.Klimova
   Founder of guitar art in Russia hitherto considered AO Sichra. His contemporary, the author of the first printed work on the history of Russian seven-string guitar MA Stakhovich wrote about him as an "inventor" a guitar. However, he pointed out, for example, such details recorded them in 1840 that "for the first time Sichrow made device experience in Vilnius seven-stringed guitar in the late 1790 's, and perfected it in Moscow".
Simultaneously Stakhovich noted that Sichra «also played a six-string guitar, and being gifted with a strong musical talent and has reached the degree of the harp virtuoso, he at the end of the last century, when he was in Moscow, invented make six-stringed guitar instrument more complete and closer to harp arpeggios and together and more melodic than the harp, and tied for seventh string guitar; however, it changed its structure, giving the six strings of a group of two tonic chord tone G-dur..».
Adoption Stakhovich that Sichra was the inventor of the seven-string guitar and the creator of its salt majeure failure repeated throughout the XIX century.
For example, at the end of XIX century A. Famintsyn wrote: "At the end of the 1790s, in Vilna, the harp virtuoso, famous later as a guitarist, Andrei Osipovich Sichra made ??an attempt to improve went down while in use six-string guitar, adding to it the seventh string; he changed, according to that system it follows by bringing it to a special arpeggios his instrument - the harp".

     Dedicated in his work on Sichrow whole chapter titled "Who invented the Russian seven-string guitar", VA Rusanov, based on information reported in the "Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language "VI Dahl of the seven-stringed "Polish" guitar and application in 1806 in Germany, seven-stringed guitar guitarist Sheydlerom, concludes that "the addition of the seventh string in Russia AO Sicha, while the seven-string guitar was and abroad, has no historical basis".
At the same time he denies Sichrow and role of the creator in G major, building seven-stringed guitar, guitar such as used in Russia before the appearance in Moscow Sichrow related, according to available data from Roussanova to 1805 (published sonatas for seven-stringed guitar I. Kamensky in 1799 and others).
Correctness of the views expressed by Rusanov, supported by a single ad in French, placed in the newspaper "St. Petersburg Vedomosti" (1803, № 37). This announcement Petersburg guitarist wishing Ganf offered their services to teaching the game on a seven-stringed guitar with the systems:

Big guitar work of M. Eroshkina     Arguing that this system makes it easier to play the guitar, allows full harmony in the accompaniment, he referred to the changes that have occurred since the seven-string guitar in France, where they advertised "new" system was supposedly well recognized. To confirm his words Ganf invoked Article Sheydlera in "Leipzig music paper" (1801, № 4). Soon after, in 1805, released his own Ganf School for seven-string guitar, but they propagandized "French" system, apparently met with no sympathy from the Russian guitarists.
Debunking Sichrow as the founder of Russian seven-string guitar, Rusanov argued that, despite the presence of precursors Sichrow "with brilliant insight jumped at the system and developed and established an exemplary method of playing this instrument".
This position is expressed by Rusanov, repeated in all subsequent works on guitar in Russia. However, a careful study of historical materials, it is also not tenable. Being neither a seven-stringed guitar inventor or creator of a salt - major tuning, Sichrow was not a pioneer in techniques of the game and a seven-string guitar that system.
There is no doubt that the spread of the guitar was prepared by the whole course of development of Russian musical culture, but the first who can claim a significant role in promoting the seven-string guitar was the author of the first Russian School Games this guitar - Czech guitarist and composer Ignaz Geld. This musician is now forgotten, but Czech sources indicate the beginning of the XIX century, that his numerous writings used in Russia during his lifetime recognition and love.

   Read selected chapters from the book (in which we are talking about a seven-stringed guitar) Here >>


