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Igor Varfolomeev's site about lute and guitar music
Luteists, composers, associates
Modern players on early instruments, associates
Paul O'DettePaul R. O'Dette
(b. Columbus, Ohio, February 2, 1954) is an American lutenist, conductor, and music researcher specializing in early music. O'Dette began playing classical guitar, and while in high school also played electric guitar in a rock band in Columbus, Ohio, where he grew up. He eventually adopted the lute (as well as the related archlute, theorbo, and Baroque mandolin) as his primary instruments, and primarily specializes in the performance of Renaissance and Baroque music.
Edin KaramazovEdin Karamazov
is a Bosnian/Croatian musician-lutenist (born in 1965 in Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina) and lives in Croatia. He studied lute with Hopkinson Smith at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis and worked with such ensembles as Hesperion, L'Arpeggiata, Hilliard Ensemble, Mala Punica, Orpheus Chamber Orchestra and singers Andreas Scholl, Maria-Cristina Kiehr, Arianna Savall, and Sting. Karamazov's solo archlute recording features Benjamin Britten's "Nocturnal" and J.S.Bach's Partita in d-minor (orig. for violin). Recent collaborations with Sting (in the field of 16th century music) resulted in the album and film Songs from the Labyrinth, devoted to the lute-songs of John Dowland.
Robert BartoRobert Barto
(born in San Diego in 195?) is an American lutenist specializing in the music of the Baroque and Empfindsamkeit periods, in particular the oeuvres of Sylvius Leopold Weiss and Bernhard Joachim Hagen. He is a graduate of the University of California, San Diego, having majored in historical lute performance. The recipient of a Fullbright scholarship, he continued his studies in Cologne, Germany and Basel, Switzerland with Michael Schaeffer and Eugen Müller-Dombois, respectively. Having made Germany his home for many years, he travels and performs throughout the world.
Jakob Lindberg Jakob Lindberg
Born: October 16, 1952 - Djursholm, Sweden.
    The Swedish lutenist, Jakob Lindberg, developed his first passionate interest in music through the Beatles. He started to play the guitar and soon became interested in the classical repertoire. From the age of 14 he studied with Jörgen Rörby who also gave him his first tuition on the lute. After reading music at Stockholm University he went to London to study at the Royal College of Music. Here he further developed his knowledge of the lute repertoire under the guidance of Diana Poulton and decided towards the end of his studies to concentrate on Renaissance and Baroque music.
Lutz KirchhofLutz Kirchhof
(born 1953, Frankfurt am Main) is a German lutenist.

In 1996 he founded the Deutsche Lautengesellschaft (German Association for Lute). He performs in festivals all over the world, giving about a hundred concerts a year since 2002.

He performs regularly with vocalists such as Max van Egmond and Derek Lee Ragin, and numerous instrumentalists. Numerous recordings have appeared and he has recorded for Sony Classical.

Eduardo Egüez Eduardo Egüez
(born in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1959) is an lutenist, theorbist, and guitarist acclaimed for his interpretations of music by J.S.Bach.
    He first studied guitar with Miguel Angel Girollet and Eduardo Fernández. His later studied composition at the Catholic Argentine University. In 1995 he obtained his diploma in lute performance from the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis under the tutelage of Hopkinson Smith.
Evangelina MascardiEvangelina Mascardi
nace en Buenos Aires Argentina en 1977.     Estudia guitarra clásica con los Maestros Gabriel Schebor y Silvia Fernandez en la Escuela Nacional de Música J.P.Esnaola donde obtiene el titulo de Maestra nacional de Música.

    En 1997 se traslada a Europa para ingresar en la cátedra de laúd del Maestro Hopkinson Smith en la Schola Cantorum Basiliensis en Suiza, donde obtiene en el 2001 su Solisten Diplom.
Hopkinson Smith Hopkinson Smith
(born 1946) is an American lutenist.
    Born in New York, he graduated from Harvard with Honors in Music (Honors Thesis on "The pavans of Daniel Bacheler"[1]). He came to Europe in 1973 to study with Emilio Pujol, a great pedagogue in the highest Catalan artistic tradition, and also Eugen Dombois, whose sense of organic unity between performer, instrument and historical period has had a lasting effect on him.    
Christopher WilsonChristopher Wilson
(b1951) studied the lute at the Royal College of Music in London with Diana Poulton. Since leaving he has established himself as one of the leading lutenists in Great Britain, specialising in the performance of renaissance music. He has given many broadcasts on radio and television as soloist and as an ensemble performer. His concert tours have taken him to most countries of Europe, Scandinavia, the Baltic States, Russia, Hong Kong, Japan and the U.S.A.. As well as working with Shirley Rumsey in a duo, they co-direct their own ensemble, Kithara. Christopher Wilson has performed with many of the leading early music groups and his increasing interest in the lute song repertoire has led him to work with various song recitalists.

Joachim HeldJoachim Held
is one of the foremost lute players of his generation. He captivates his audience with the refinement of his playing and moves the listener with expressing the different moods of the soul. In 2006 Joachim Held is the first lute player ever to receive the renowned German Echo - Klassik Award. This is in the category "Best soloist recording of the year" for his CD "Delightful Lute - Pleasure. Baroque Lute music from the lands of the Habsburgs", released by Hänssler Classic.
Julian BreamJulian Bream C.B.E. (born July 15, 1933) is a British guitarist and lutenist and is one of the most distinguished classical guitarists of the 20th century. He has also been successful in renewing popular interest in the Renaissance lute.


    Bream was born in London and brought up in a musical environment. His father played jazz guitar and the young Bream was impressed by hearing the playing of Django Reinhardt.

Konrad JunghänelKonrad Junghänel
is a German conductor and lutenist. He has given numerous solo concerts all around the world and has also worked with ensembles such as Les Arts Florissants and others.

    In 1987 Konrad Junghänel founded the vocal ensemble Cantus Cölln, which he directs. Numerous recordings of Cantus Cölln have received international recognition. He teaches at the Hochschule für Musik Köln.

Narciso YepesNarciso Yepes
(November 14, 1927 – May 3, 1997) was a Spanish guitarist.


    Yepes was born into a family of humble origin in Lorca, Region of Murcia. His father gave him his first guitar when he was four years old. He took his first lessons from Jesus Guevara, in Lorca. Later his family moved to Valencia when the Spanish Civil War started in 1936.
Konrad RagossnigKonrad Ragossnig
is a classical guitarist and lutenist. He was born in Klagenfurt, Austria, in 1932. He taught at City of Basel Music Academy, University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna and The University of Zurich. He is editor of several books on guitar music such as "Step by step. Basics of Guitar technique in 60 classical and romantic studies", Mainz 2007 and "Guitar Concert Collection", Mainz 2008.
Sarge GerbodeSarge Gerbode
is a psychiatrist, now retired and living in Sonoma, who has been playing lute since the early 60’s.  In his first (1963) performance, he accompanied counter-tenor Alfred Deller.  He took a twenty-year break from the lute during his training and practice as a psychiatrist, but resumed lute playing in 1993 and since then has appeared in many different ensembles around the Bay Area.  He maintains a web site (gerbode.net) containing editions of over 8000 solo, vocal, and ensemble pieces for lute, including many of his own arrangements and continuo realizations.
Yasunori ImamuraYasunori Imamura
was born in Osaka, Japan. He studied lute with Eugen Dombois and Hopkinson Smith at the Schola Cantorum in Basel, where he received his soloist’s diploma in 1981. Subsequently, he worked on interpretation and bass continuo with Ton Koopman and Johann Sonnleitner and composition with Wolfgang Neininger. Today, Imamura is recognised as one of the prominent figures of the lute, both as leading soloists and continuo-players on the lute. He has appeared at numerous international festivals in Europe and the Far East.
Toyohiko Satoh Toyohiko Satoh
(Lute, Arranger)
Born: 1943 - Japan
The Japanese lutenist, Toyohiko Satoh, studied Rikkyo University in Tokyo - music history with Tatsuo Minagawa, and guitar with Kazuhito Ohosawa. His first guitar recital was performed at the Tokyo Bunka-Kaikan in 1965. He also studied cello and musicology, began his study of the lute, and studied composition with Kure Yasush. In 1968 he came to Europe to study the lute with Eugen Muller Dombois at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis in Basel, Switserland.
Rolf LislevandRolf Lislevand
(Lute) Born: 1961 - Oslo, Norway The Norwegian lutenist, Rolf Lislevand, studied the classical guitar at the Norwegian State Academy of Music from 1980 until 1984. In 1984, he entered the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis in Switzerland, which was then the most active early music centre in Europe. He studied there until 1987, under the guidance of Hopkinson Smith and Eugene Dombois. He was then asked by Jordi Savall to accompany him with groups such as Hesperion XX, La Capella Reial de Catalunya and the Concert des Nations.
Vladimir Kaminik - baroque guitar, vihuela, renaissance guitar
EVA Greenberg - transverse flute, castanets, percussion.
    Vladimir Kaminik started his musical Education in St Petersburg with Pr. G. Totuiko. While studying early compositions on the classical guitar he became attracted to the idea of performance on historical instruments. Combining his musicality with a passion for musicology, Vladimir was the first in Russia to bring the baroque guitar to the stage in a solo concert program in 1998.
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Luciano ContiniLuciano Contini
was born in Sassari, Sardinia, in 1958. After completing his guitar studies with A.Marrosu and O.Ghiglia with awards in various competitions, he began, in the 1980's to dedicate himself to performance practice of renaissance and baroque music, and began playing the lute, exclusively. From 1982, after graduating cum laude in musicology from the University of Bologna, he continued his studies at the famous Schola Cantorum Basiliensis, Basel, Switzerland, with H.Smith, E.Dombois and J.Christensen.
Nigel North Nigel North
was born in London in 1954, and has been playing the lute professionally now for over thirty years. Initially inspired into music at the age of seven by the early 1960s instrumental pop group The Shadows, he studied classical music through the violin and guitar, eventually discovering his real path in life, the lute, when he was fifteen. Basically self taught on the lute, he has developed a unique musical life which embraces activities as a teacher, accompanist, soloist, director and writer. His achievements include the publication of a basso continuo tutor (Faber 1987), representing his work and dedication for this subject, and a four-volume CD recording Bach on the Lute (1994–1997).

The unique project of Anna Kowalska and Anton Birula
covers a vast repertoire for historical plucked
instruments: lutes, guitars, chitarrone, colascione
and theorbo from the renaissance and baroque to
the late romantic and early XX - th century music.
Stephen Stubbs Stephen Stubbs
(Lute, Conductor, Arranger)
Born: 1951 - Seattle, Washington, USA The American lutenist and conductor, Stephen Stubbs, has been engaged in music-making since early childhood. Parallel interests in "early music" and the 20th century avant-garde music led him to study composition and harpsichord at the University of Washington. At the same time, he learned to play keyboard and plucked instruments, specializing in the principal Baroque accompanying instruments, harpsichord and lute. After graduation he completed his study of the lute in Holland and England, where he made his professional debut as lutenist at Wigmore Hall, London in 1976.
Alexander SuetinAlexander Suetin
- A soloist-luteist Moscow State Philharmonic Society, Honored Artist of Russia.
    Born in 1957 in Moscow. In 1978 he graduated from the Music College im.Oktyabrskoy Revolution (now the Academy of Music Shnitke) on guitar.     Engaged in research of ancient music, mastered the lute instruments. He finally parted ways with the classical guitar..
Miguel Yisrael Miguel Yisrael
was born in 1973 in Lisbon, where he began his musical and artistic career, earning his Diploma in Classical Guitar in 1994.
   From 1999 to 2004, after studying the lute at the Paris Conservatoire, with Claire Antonini, Miguel Yisrael completed his musical education with Hopkinson Smith in Basel, Switzerland, at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis.
   As a soloist, Miguel Yisrael has given recitals in France, Portugal, United Kingdom, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, China, Canada and the USA.
José Miguel Moreno José Miguel Moreno
- vihuela, lutes, theorbo, angelic, baroque and classico-romantic guitar.
      José Miguel Moreno was born in Madrid and started studying music at the age of 4.  During his period of formation, he won, among others, the First Prize of the Incontri Chitarristici di Garnano (Italy 1977). He specializes in historical interpretation, although his repertoire ranges from XVIth  to XXth century.  He plays on original instruments, vihuela, Renaissance and baroque guitars, Renaissance and baroque lute, theorbo, romantic guitars, all of them either original instruments or faithful copies.  In this field, José Miguel Moreno is recognized worldwide as one of the major specialists nowadays.  He has also developped his teaching activities, being invited by the most prestigious universities and Conservatoires in the world.  Together with Lourdes Uncilla he researches the historical construction of the instruments of the lute and guitar family.
Andrei KrylovAndrei Krylov
started guitar studies in St.Petersburg, Russia at the age of 11. He graduated from Music School (Guitar), State Music College (Guitar, Orchestra Conductor) in St.Petersburg, Peoples University (Music Arrangement) in Moscow. In 1980's-90's he worked as a classical guitar teacher and performer (Russian State Concert Company "Lenconcert") and he has played with the St. Petersburg Chamber Orchestra (conductor, Eduard Gustin) and the "Old Petersburg" music theatre. He has given guitar recitals in Russia, Ukraine, Estonia, USA, and Canada.
Oleg TimofeyevOleg Timofeyev
- Guitarist, lutenist, musicologist.
Pioneer in the discovery, promotion, interpretation, and authentic performance of the repertoire for the 19th- and 20th-century Russian seven-string guitar.



XX century

composers, etc.