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Igor Varfolomeev's site about lute and guitar music
Review of the lute CD
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Enlarge CD "Baroque Lute Duets"
Anton Birula - baroque lute.
Anna Kowalska - baroque lute.

Year CD: 2002
Make CD: Russia
Total time: 47.17

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EnlargeCD "Espanoletas"
Duet "Tanedores"
- Vladimir Kaminik - baroque guitar. Eva Greenberg - castsnets, traverse flute, tambourin.
Gaspar Sanz, Santiago Murcia.
Year CD: 1995
Make CD: Russia
Total time: 52.14

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EnlargeCD Johann Sebastian Bach "Suites for lute"
Narciso Yepes - lute.
Lute music in performance Narciso Yepes, known is more, as guitar player.

Make CD: Russia

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Enlarge CD "Music for Lute"
Konrad Ragossnig
- lute.
Fine performance and quality of recording. Contains the seven sections consisting of compositions of authors of the different countries of the period of Renaissance.
Year: 1973-75г.
Make CD: Russia

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Enlarge CD "JOHN DOWNLAND: A Dream"
eight-course lute, joel van lennap

Hopkinson Smith
Year: 2002

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EnlargeCD "S.L.WESS: Partitas for Lute"
Hopkinson Smith, 13-course lute
Awards: 10 de Repertoire, Diapason d'Or
REVIEWS: New York Times (Publisher) (6/18/00, p.31) - "...Mr. Smith's mastery is reason enough to listen...A high point is the G major Partita, whose eight movements include an impressive Toccata and Fugue. Such music should keep posterity from forgetting Weiss any time soon."

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Enlarge CD "DENIS GAULTIER: La Rethorique Des Dieux"

Hopkinson Smith, 11-course lute

September 1, 1993

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Enlarge CD JACQUES DE GALLOT: Pieces de Luth

Hopkinson Smith, 11-course lute
Awards: 10 de Repertoire, Diapason d'Or, Choc du Monde de la Musique
July 13, 1999

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Enlarge CD "CHARLES MOUTON: Pieces de luth"

Hopkinson Smith, 11-course lute
November 12, 2002
Awards: Diapason d'Or

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EnlargeCD "ALONSO MUDARRA: Tres Libros de Musica en Cifras Para Vihuela"

Hopkinson Smith, vihuela and Renaissance guitar
Awards: Telerama: un evenement, Diapason d'Or, Choc du Monde de la Musiqueи.
July 13, 1999

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"Johann Sebastian Bach: L'Oeuvre de Luth"2CD "JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH: L'Oeuvre de Luth"

Hopkinson Smith, 13-course lute
Awards: Grand Prix Du Disque, Choc du Monde de la Musique

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EnlargeCD "Come, heavy sleep (Britten - Bach)"

Karamazov, Edin
Year CD: 2003
Make CD: Made in EU
Total time: 49m.51s.

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