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Review of the lute CD
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Enlarge     CD "Musique and Sweet Poetrie"

Jewels from Europe around 1600 (Dowland, R. Johnson, J. Daniel, G. Huwet, H. Schütz, S. d'India, P. Guédron)

Emma Kirkby soprano
Jakob Lindberg lute

Make CD: Sweden
Year CD: 2006
Publisher: BIS
Date of recording: 2005
Total time: 79:32
Track List

1. Robert Johnson: Almain
2. Robert Johnson: Full fathom five thy father lies
3. Thomas Morley: Thirsis and Milla
4. Thomas Morley: Come sorrow, come
5. Gregory Huwet: Fantasia
6. John Dowland: Shall I sue, shall I seek for grace?
7. John Dowland: Go crystal tears
8. Johann Hieronymus Kapsberger: Toccata
9. Georg Schimmelpfennig: Dolce tempo passato
10. Heinrich Schütz: Eile mich, Gott, zu erretten
11. Michelangelo Galilei: Toccata
12. Michelangelo Galilei: Corrente
13. Michelangelo Galilei: Volta
14. Sigismondo d'India: Quella vermiglia rosa
15. Sigismondo d'India: Da l'onde del mio pianto
16. Robert Ballard: Entrée de luth
17. Pierre Guédron: Cessez, mortels, de soupirer
18. Jean-Baptiste Boësset: Que Philis a l'esprit léger
19. Etienne Moulinié: Paisible et ténébreuse nuit
20. Robert Ballard: Branles de village
21. Wojciech Dlugoraj: Fantasia
22. John Dowland: Shall I strive with words to move?
23. John Danyel: He whose desires are still abroad
24. John Danyel: Dost thou withdraw thy grace?
25. John Danyel: Why canst thou not, as others do?
26. Robert Johnson: Pavan