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Review of the lute CD
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EnlargeEnlarge     CD "Sobranie of Classic Music (Лютня)"

Sandor Kallosh - lute

Make CD: Россия
Year CD: 2006
Publisher: Си Ди Клуб
Date of recording: 1975
Total time: 00:44:50
Track List

1. M. Carrozo - Sweetest Laura
2. F. da Milano - Three fantasy
3. Unknown author - Three Dances
4. Unknown author - Vilanella
5. Unknown author - Canzona
6. M. Carroz - Pavane
7. M. Carrozo - Her Majesty the Queen
8. M. Carrozo - Heavenly Gills
9. J. Bessar - Volta
10. Unknown author - Prelude
11. Unknown author - Allemande
12. Unknown author - While I live
13. L. de Moa - Ballet
14. J. Dowland - Galliard
15.D. Dowland - Pavane
16. J. Dowland - Dowland Suffering
17. J. Dowland - Fortune
18. J. Dowland - Galliard King of Denmark