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Igor Varfolomeev's site about lute and guitar music
Review of the lute CD
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EnlargeEnlarge     2 CD "Semper Dowland Semper Dolens"

José Miguel Moreno (Renaissance lute), Eligio Quinteiro (theorbo, gittern)
Year CD: 2003
Publisher: Glossa
Make CD: Spain
Total time: 1:46:22
Track List

John Dowland (1563 - 1625)


1. Mrs. Winter's Jump
2. The Shoemaker's Wife
3. The Frog Galliard
4. Mr. John Langton's Pavan
5. Mr. Langton's Galliard
6. Go From My Window
7. Sir John Smith, His Almain
8. Round Battle Galliard
9. Fantasie
10. La Mia Barbara
11. Mrs. Norrish's Delight
12. Mrs. Nichols' Almain
13. Fancy
14. Semper Dowland Semper Dolens
15. The King of Denmark, His Galliard
16. Untitled


1. Dr. Case's Pavan
2. Gagliarda
3. Lachrimae
4. Lady Laiton's Almain
5. Preludium
6. My Lord Willoughby's Welcome Home
7. Une Jeune Fillette
8. Lord Strang's March
9. Fortune
10. Can She Excuse
11. What If A Day
12. Lady Hunsdon's Puffe
13. Fancy
14. Solus Cum Sola
15. The Queen Elizabeth, Her Galliard
16. Tarleton's Riserrectione