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Igor Varfolomeev's site about lute music
Review of the lute CD
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  CD "Flying Horse - Music from the ML Lutebook"

(Dowland, Johnson, Holborne, Sturt, etc)

Elizabeth Kenny - lute
Year CD: 2008
Make CD: UK
Publisher: Hyperion
Total time: 70:50
Track List

1. Dowland: The Battle Galliard
2. Holborne: Mr Holborn's Last Will & Testament
3. Anon: Tom Of Bedlam
4. Anon: John, Come Kiss Me Now
5. Johnson (R): A Pavin In C Minor
6. Anon: Corant
7. Perrichon: Corant, 'Le Testament'
8. Anon: The Battle
9. Johnson (R): A Pavin In F Minor
10. Bacheler: A Gallyard By Mr Dan Bacheler
11. Dowland: A Gallyard Upon The Gallyard Before
12. Anon: Corant
13. Anon: Corant (de la Durette)
14. Ballard: La Courante Sarabande
15. Anon: Corant
16. Mercure D'Orleans: A Volte
17. Sturt: A Volte
18. Johnson (R): A Pavin In C Minor
19. Johnson (R): Allmayne, 'The Prince's Almain'
20. Johnson (R): The Noble Man
21. Johnson (R): Allmayne, 'Hit It and Take It'
22. Anon: Allmayne & Corant
23. Anon: Gray's Inn Maske
24. Anon: The Flying Horse